Beiträge von golfinmalaga

    I am a spanish owner of a 01/85 EU 500SL. I have the EPC for this 107, but I am looking for the part list in pdf or in paper. I\'ve seen one in the But even I was living in Bremen some months my german is poor.
    Can anyone give me a hand with this part list or where to find a nice one.
    Froehliche Weihnachten und ein gluckliches Neues Jahr!!!
    Feliz Navidad.[addsig]

    I am a spanish owner of a 01/85 EU 500SL. I have the EPC for this 107, but I am looking for the part list in pdf or in paper. I\'ve seen one in the But even I was living in Bremen some months my german is poor.
    Can anyone give me a hand with this part list or where to find a nice one.
    Froehliche Weihnachten und ein gluckliches Neues Jahr!!!
    Feliz Navidad.[addsig]